Monday, October 18, 2010

Shrinking Skirts and Sweaters, Courage Man

Last summer, I washed several things by hand.  I was trying to avoid the drycleanning bill.  All was well.  I put two skirts I was convinced I could iron the shrinkage out of, in a bag.  One was mine, the other Dana's.  The material was "viscose", (rayon), the skirts shrunk, and now the linings were hanging far below the hem.  No one is going to want to wear them now, and I feel sick every time I look at them. They sat in that bag....I moved them into my new closet, out to site, out of mind.  My new closet saw a lot of changes and then I moved into the room that my closet was in..... The bag with the shrunken skirts continued to call attention to itself.  When I reached for the swim bag early in the year for Cecilia's Life Guard course, there it was.  Then again when we went to the beach.  I had to move the bag when I moved into the room. I wanted to take care of it, so I put it somewhere I would see it every day, on my dresser.  I saw it every day and wondered when I would have the courage to throw it in the GoodWill bag.

This fall I went through the LARGER designated Dry Cleaning bag.  Dana needed some fall clothes.  After deciding we didn't need many of the items, I took what was left of the bag to Clark's Cleaners.  The half off coupon reduced the bill to $50.00.  That bag had been patiently waiting to be cleaned for 2 years.  I began to feel guilty about the clothes I had the courage to wash, but not to press out.  So the two skirts came out of the bag and were put on the counter in our computer room.  This summer I moved my sewing and ironing supply's from under the basement stairs, to the computer room.  The skirts had been on the counter for 6 weeks and today was the day.   After deliberating the Good Will as a way out, I ironed them. AND THEY ARE BACK TO SIZE!   I think I may give them away now.  Or maybe I will where mine once more. 

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